Variety of Hilarious, High Quality Shirts
Shirts ranging from wholesome kittens and puppies to downright offensive.-
Money Back Guarantee
If things get royally screwed up, we will unscrew them. Lefty loosy.

Cokeen the Coked Out Kitty
So many questions... How does coke kitty hold the $100 bill without opposable thumbs? How did coke kitty acquire narcotics? What went wrong in coke kitty's life to where he's scarfacing the shit out of a pile of white lightening? Either way, frickin hilarious.
The Line King
Do you rip fat rails of white lightening off of dirty dive bar bathroom toilets using only the finest $100 bills with the scent of a strippers crack? Do you want people to know about it? Well, if your life has gone in the crapper to the point where the people you surround yourself with will find this humorous, then this shirt is basically a necessity at this point.

My Bartender Can Kick Your Therapist's ASS
One of our best sellers. We're here for a good time, not a long time! Wear this to your local dive bar and garner the respect and admiration of your favorite bartenders. Just watch out for those pesky therapists who moonlight as Krav Maga instructors!